
Body is off again

Over the weekend, we removed the body from the pan. I cleaned up the chassis and took off the single-circuit brake cylinder, steering, and pedals. I did some touch-ups on the paint and started getting ready for the double-circuit setup.

Ragtop mechanism being assembled

I finished the rear querters

Little zinc galvanization


Some minor stuff from the last few weeks

This past weekend, I made some headway on tackling the bug! I focused on a few smaller jobs to get things rolling. First, I installed new engine bay seals and added soundproofing to the doors and quarter panels. I even experimented with some DIY galvanization (fun fact: stay tuned for a future post on that!).

The ragtop mechanism is also getting some TLC. I've already started the refurbishment process, but I needed to order some parts to finish the job. Even though it's not pictured yet, I'm happy to report that it's already functional.

Looking ahead, next week's agenda is jam-packed! We'll be removing the body, installing the new seals and soundproofing throughout, replacing the front axle parts, and then finally, putting the body back on for good.

I have to continue this process on the other half as well
The colors are matching perfectly

I dry fit before disassembly, it opens and closes smoothly now

Some Gucci touch on the interior


Shifter and emergency break are refitted

I installed the shifter and emergency brake this weekend. They were previously just sitting on the workbench painted. I also put the Waso shift lock back in its spot. The pan definitely needs a good cleaning, but I'll tackle that when we permanently attach the chassis to the pan.


Some recent trips

The garage is still cold as balls, so I haven't been able to spend much time working on the car since last November. That doesn't mean I've been sitting around though! I've been collecting parts, and I even managed to assemble the taillights and a few other bits and pieces.

While this might not be directly related to the bug, I wanted to share about some recent trips that gave me the chance to visit some incredible car museums. Last fall, I explored the Porsche and Mercedes museums in Stuttgart, Germany. Then, just a few days ago, I returned from Riga, Latvia, where I spent some time at the Riga Motor Museum. Here are some pictures from my adventures!

Porsche Museum, Stuttgart

The Mercedes Museum, Stuttgart

Does it look familiar?

Motormuzejs, Riga

1966 Typ 1